Saturday, 30 July 2011

Once i get going with my videos

AND get this whole thing out there and get it known to others. And if it all goes well i will be doing a donations page hopefully to raise money for multiple causes. Make a wish foundation, Canadian cancer Society.

Only thing i can do at the moment

As you can see to the side there is this, i guess we can call it, Childrens network tab, that if you click, it of course will take you to another page to take hand in a small internet activity. With that it gives balloons to the tab in my blog, and helps the children network. Also after that, last time i checked there is an activity where you select/vote  which charity you would like to receive a car. I have voted a couple of times, and have done some activities.

It would be most appreciated if you could also do the same.

Sincerely Old Man Noodles


Well its been a while since i posted anything new. I have just recently fixed movie maker, so i am able to edit my videos. I am planning the ways i would like to do my videos and what kind of videos they are going to be. I don't want normal play through videos. I want something special. Something new.

A great inspiration here is of course the yogscast. Now i know i wont be as good as them, but oh well. I want to make a dramatic story in minecraft. Full acting. Full story. It will be voiced by me, following a strict story and script. I will try to make it emotional, and gripping. It will be in First person view instead of third person. I want you to see the day to day of the main character through his eyes. I want you to understand everything he is going through, all through his eyes. Even if you disagree with him about anything, you can least have an understanding.
I am planning this very well. Tomorrow the house is empty and i have some time to work on it. I will be doing some testing with my voice, because if you have checked out my other shared youtube channel, Tweaker61, you will know from my videos my voice is quite annoying. I am not meant to talk on videos, so it seems. But that will all change soon enough. I need more energy in my voice. And to be quite honest, the way i sound in the videos is definitely not what i'm hearing. Poor microphone? Or just the horrible effect of different hearing. It is known that how you hear your self might not be how you actually sound. Nothing too different of course, but slightly enough to be noticeable.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Year Of The Cure starting Soon

TweakedCast: Tweaked Cast Logo-Looks cool eh?

TweakedCast: Tweaked Cast Logo-Looks cool eh?

Time To See

WELL you know when something bad is happening and you dont want to except it? Well I had one of those moments just now. In minecraft, i play on a server, and the admin is quite...Well, he does play a lot of Jokes on people. If he doesnt like the way your house looks or something, he goes ahead and redecorates it. Sometimes it looks nice, but overall, its quite annoying. The admin is also very abusive, and when i say abusive i mean, he abuses his powers to the maximum. I just stood by and laughed it off, but when i found my house destroyed, well i had enough of his "Joking" ways.

Goodbye awesome server.

Look at the bright side, now i can have my own and do what ever i want. More fun things to do.

Ugh! My Throat!

Alright. Well making a video has been postponed for now. Waking up this morning, i seemed to have gotten a cold or something. Wont stop sneezing, and my throat is burning. BUT thats ok, im still gonna be making some videos. Just i wont be talking in them

Tweaked Cast Logo-Looks cool eh?

"Year Of The Cure"

Why there arent any videos yet.

Well today the house will be empty, no one here. It is 4am so i cant actually make any videos right now. I might make one right now and just edit in a narration later. But it just isnt the same is it?

Thursday, 14 July 2011

New video soon(minecraft)

Gonna be posting a new video soon. I play on a server called Jemz Survival. Its a private server. But very friendly. Working on a solo project. It has to do with breast cancer though. And the small project is a minecraft project.

Big soft

Oh yea, because im a big soft, i put this little gadget in here. To the side, it has to do with charity. Dont forget to help out. Apparently it has to do with sponcership? Load of crap if you ask me, i do hope that this helps kids though.


JOIN US why? Because we kick ass!


What is the Tweaked Cast all about? We are gonna be making some bloody videos of us playing video games damnit! THATS WHAT!